[Tutorial] How to add CRT TV off effect:

First off this is for people that know how to decompile/compile apk's..

What this is = Watch here

Credit to tweezit

1: Decompile framework-res.apk using something like apk manager
2: Edit the file \res\values\bools.xml
3: Change value of bool name='config_animateScreenLights' from 'true' to 'false'
4: Compile framework-res.apk
5: Push new framework-res.apk to your phone with root explorer or adb push.
6: Profit...


How to change the statusbar color:

1: Decompile SystemUI.apk
2: Edit the file \smali\com\android\systemui\statusbar\Clock.smali
3: Search for the line with ->setTextColor comment it and the line above out with a # infront of the two lines.
4: Compile the SystemUI.apk
5: Decompile framework-res.apk and edit the file \res\values\styles.xml
6: Find the style name 'TextAppearance.StatusBar' and change the textColor item to the color you want
7: Compile framework-res.apk
8: Profit More.

These guides will work with about any 2.3 rom out. Thanks to various sources for help on finding these..
(Will add more to this later)


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