[MOD] Enable CRT Animation in Gingerbread

This simple guide will show you how to enable the CRT animation on any Gingerbread build. It's a fairly easy process, but it does require one developer tool: apktool. You can download it below.
  1. Download APKTOOL
  2. Save your framework-res.apk file to a place that you know
    I saved mine to: C:\hktw\framework-res.apk
  3. Open the command prompt
    • On Windows, press the Start button, type: cmd, press the Enter button
  4. You’ll need to change the directory of your commands to the one where you saved your .apk file
  5. Type the “cd” command and then the directory where you saved your file.
    • cd C:\hktw
  6. Now you need to tell apktool to decompile the framework…
    • apktool d -f framework-res.apk
  7. You should see in your .apk folder a new folder has been created: “framework-res”
  8. Inside of that folder you can now see all of the decompiled parts of your .apk
  9. Edit res/values/bools.xml
  10. Change "<bool name="config_animateScreenLights">true</bool>" to "<bool name="config_animateScreenLights">false</bool>"
  11. When you’re done editing, you’ll need to recompile the .apk
    • cd C:\hktw
    • apktool b -f framework-res
  12. Note the inclusion of the “.apk” during decompilation, and the exclusion of the “.apk” during recompilation
  13. After you’ve sent the recompile command, apktool will work and eventually create two new folders called “dist” and “build”
  14. Inside of the “build” folder will be the recompiled parts of your .apk
  15. Open the original .apk file using WinRAR of 7zip
  16. Drag and drop the “resources.arsc” file inside of “build/apk” to the root of your original .apk
Now place that modified framework-res.apk in your /system/framework. You're done!
Alternatively, you can use my CWM installable package  below on HKTW 2.3.4.



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