Alternatively, you can use my CWM installable package below on HKTW 2.3.4.Now place that modified framework-res.apk in your /system/framework. You're done!
- Download APKTOOL
- On Windows, download apktool-windows and apktool.jar
- Extract the file contents in each archive into your Windows folder:
C:\Windows- Save your framework-res.apk file to a place that you know
I saved mine to: C:\hktw\framework-res.apk- Open the command prompt
- On Windows, press the Start button, type: cmd, press the Enter button
- You’ll need to change the directory of your commands to the one where you saved your .apk file
- Type the “cd” command and then the directory where you saved your file.
- cd C:\hktw
- Now you need to tell apktool to decompile the framework…
- apktool d -f framework-res.apk
- You should see in your .apk folder a new folder has been created: “framework-res”
- Inside of that folder you can now see all of the decompiled parts of your .apk
- Edit res/values/bools.xml
- Change "<bool name="config_animateScreenLights">true</bool>" to "<bool name="config_animateScreenLights">false</bool>"
- When you’re done editing, you’ll need to recompile the .apk
- cd C:\hktw
- apktool b -f framework-res
- Note the inclusion of the “.apk” during decompilation, and the exclusion of the “.apk” during recompilation
- After you’ve sent the recompile command, apktool will work and eventually create two new folders called “dist” and “build”
- Inside of the “build” folder will be the recompiled parts of your .apk
- Open the original .apk file using WinRAR of 7zip
- Drag and drop the “resources.arsc” file inside of “build/apk” to the root of your original .apk
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