[22/07 UPDATE] INDEX of ROMS [Original Android Development]

Hi community, welcome to the ROMS index of the Original Android Development Forum.

First of all, ¿which ROMS are included here? Well, i'm try to search and identify only the actives, (if not have recent updates at least that the thread remains active with constant feedback from users and devs) but this isn't a must, maybe you find some outdated ROM but still functional, remember that the most important it's read the thread of the ROM that you choose, take a look on the benefits, user reviews, bugs, FAQ, etc. And then flash it. Of course all the feedback it's welcome, if you see some wrong information or wanna see a ROM added / removed, you can post a reply on this thread or send me a PM.

« Index Structure

I know that every Developer it's free of choose the title of his ROM as he / her wants, but it's really more easy for the users (and of course for me) if the date and the version of the ROM continue as main fields, since i'm organize the index by the date of the last update, more recents first. This are two examples of an "ideal" title:



I really appreciate if the Developers organize the titles as some of the examples above, thanks in advance.

The index it's divided in five categories:

- Samsung Base




- Gingerbread

« Useful Links

ROMS index of Android Development Forum

Kernels index of Original Android Development and Android Development Forums

A very basic FAQ about the different categories of the ROMS [If you are noob here, you must read this...]

Closed threads [Just remains here as reference]


⊗ ICS ⊗


[ROM][LPF]FOXHOUND Revolver Ocelot|ICS|OTA|Performance|AROMA|31 May | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by raffaele88

« ROM's without visible date of update

ROM◥███◣ CriskeloServanTeam V12◥███◣-ICS 4.0.3 - 15 Togg full working (Oficial LPW) | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by criskelo

[ROMS]Official i9100 carrier branded firmware download for Odin Flash | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by Intratech

⊗ AOSP ⊗

[ROM][GT-I9100][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds | DEVELOPMENT THREAD | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by CM Team - Team Hacksung

[ROM][GT-I9100][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds | DISCUSSION THREAD | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by CM Team - Team Hacksung

[JB:HYBRID] PARANOIDANDROID [1.8-alpha, 1.6-cm9-stable] | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by D4rKn3sSyS

[ROM] insanity ii cm ics 75 [08.07.2012] - 72MB | Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by nitr8

[ROM][SENSE][SENSE4ALL] Sense 4.0 PORT HOX Based 4.0.3 ALPHA Release [08/07] | Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by Paradoxxx

[ROM-AOSP][02-07-2012] CBR (CleanBlank Rom) |Dev-NULL|The REAL GoogleExperience v0.3 | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by 89luca89

[ROM][GT-I9100][4.0.4] koud AOSP (v.21.04.12)
| Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by koud

« ROM's without visible date of update

[ROM][4.0.4] Slim ICS (SGS2) - Clean, Simple & Fast (57MB) | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by kravind

⊗ AOKP ⊗

[ROM][4.0.4][AROMA] FOXHOUND 0.2 Cyano+Aokp |Fast|Ota|Customizable [May 29] | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by raffaele88

⊗ Gingerbread ⊗

⊗ GB ⊗

[ROM][11-03-2012] The-GingerMOD v0.8.5--Update via OTA! hurry up! :P | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by 89luca89

[ROM][RPK]-HyperDroid Androidmeda v6.1.17 & 7 Series **Ideas & Beliefs**(03/03/2012) | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by D.O.C

[10/02][UPDATED][ROM]HYDRA0SP[Team HYDRA0SP][AndroidOpenSourceProject] | Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by Paradoxxx

[ROM][KL1] Vivaldi 4Seasons ICStyle 2.0 by Italian Custom Style 29-01-2012 | Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by Italian_Custom_Style

[ROM] CyanogenMod 7 for the Samsung Galaxy S II :: V7.1.0 RC1 (9 Oct 2011)
| Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by CyanogenMod

« ROM's without visible date of update

[ROMS]Official i9100 carrier branded firmware download for Odin Flash | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by Intratech

[26/09][2.3.5]VillainROM 3.0 for SGS2 < Making perfection more perfect | Rate: ★★★★☆ | Developed by pulser_g2

« Daily Updates

[ROM][DAILY] Unofficial CM 7 Nightlies [Android 2.3.7/GWK74] | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by arif-ali

[ROM][XXLQ5][July 07]CheckROM RevoHD™ V7 its True! | Rate: ★★★★★ | Developed by LeoMar75
« ¿What is an Samsung based ROM?

We call Samsung / Sammy based to all the ROMS who have they base on some of the official (sometimes leaked) firmwares by Samsung, some examples are XXLPG, XXLQ5, XWLPD, etc.

In this ROMS, mostly, you can find the usual Touchwiz interface, however some ROMS include different themes to change the appareance.

« ¿What is an AOSP based ROM?

First of all, AOSP stands for Android Open Source Project.

These ROMs offer you the "stock" Android experience without all the extras provided by the manufacturers like Samsung, HTC, etc. they are based directly on the source code from Android. They may be tweaked but are, in their entirety, the closest to a "pure Google experience".

More information here: http://source.android.com/

« ¿What is an AOKP based ROM?

First of all, AOKP stands for Android Open Kang Project.

Well, AOKP is in essence AOSP, the main difference being all the added customization that AOSP ROMs lack. AOKP ROMs still maintain the "stock" Android experience, except with many possible customization options at your fingertips.

More information here: http://aokp.co/index.php/news

« ¿What is a MIUI based ROM?

Very basically, MIUI is the Chinese custom version of Android. The main difference that have from another ROM's is precisely their unique customization options.

The MIUI team hast their own launcher, widgets, apps, etc. If you really want a change from the Green/Gray of GB or the Black/Blue of ICS then take a look at MIUI ROMs.

More information here: http://en.miui.com/

« ¿What is CyanogenMod?

CyanogenMod it's a ROM pure based on AOSP, but have a main feature...it's a base too for many of the ROM's that you can see here, the Cyanogen Team works on innovative features that later are ported to different Devices / ROM's.

You can't see an independent category on this index but maybe you are receiving a touch of CM on the ROM that you have on your phone

More information here: http://www.cyanogenmod.com/


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