[MOD][06/04][v1.3/v2.4/v3.3]Euro & 4G TouchWiz Launcher|Change Home|5 Columns|DPI

Hello there,

This is a modification of the latest TouchWiz4 Launcher made by me. This post is going to be updated whenever a new version of firmware goes out.

I do already know that TouchWiz 4.5 exists by fr4gg0r, which is far more customizable, but I have followed a different interpretation to this. This is not based on work done by fr4gg0r.

DPI Version of the Euro launcher can be found in the 2nd post.
TouchWiz from 4G version can be found in the 3rd post.

  • 5 icon dock
  • 5 column app drawer
  • Smaller fonts in icon dock so they don't get hidden
  • Better spacing of icons in homescreen
  • Better spacing on the badges
  • 5 column on the homescreen (separate version)
  • Resize on all widgets
  • Change default Homescreen (3 versions available)
  • New super easy way to resize widgets via script
  • 160/192/216 DPI support (V3) - 3rd post

  • Application to control features

What are the advantages?
  • Uses the same id key as the original Samsung stock launcher, so all widgets work at once, without having the need to resign with different id
  • As a flash-o-holic, I will be providing this for the latest version of TW4.
  • Different DPI versions available for those who change dpi
  • Layout changes for better productivity and space.
  • 5 column support on the homescreen adds the ability to use more homescreen space, without needing to edit TouchWiz widgets separately that are having trouble resizing

4 Columns, 5 icon dock, 5 app colum appdrawer menu (v1)

Download versions 1
V1 download links

5 Columns Homescreen, 5 icon dock, 5 app column appdrawer menu (v2)

Information on the 4x5 version
There are a few small issues that cannot get ironed out in this version of the launcher:
  • There is a 5th row as well (due to limitations), avoid using that space as you'll end up placing icons on top of the dock icons.
  • For 4 column widgets use the method described below to resize them into 5 columns
  • The CWM zip contains the PostIt widget, as that was not getting resized correctly due to Samsung's wrong coding.

#NEW#Instructions on how to resize widget to 5 columns:
1) Add your your widgets to your homescreen.
2) Download Script Manager
3) Open it and navigate to /sdcard/gscript
4) Run launcher.sh AS ROOT
5) DONE!
Download version 2
V2 Download Links

fr4gg0r for the inspiration and advice.
pulser_g2 for scripting help.
s2d4 for hosting.

160/192/216 DPI (v3) - HyperDroid Special

Information on the DPI versions

As expected with all launchers at a different dpi setting, there are issues resizing widgets. Here's a list of widgets that don't work, or work with specific modification
  • Samsung Widgets look funny, you must find the right size for them to work (usually 4 columns)
  • Calendar widget NOT available atm - it's a priority to get this fixed
  • All non-samsung widgets work with the following way

#NEW#Instructions on how to resize widget
1) Add your your widgets to your homescreen.
2) Long press and resize to 4 rows/4 columns for the widgets that you like
3) Download Script Manager
4) Open it and navigate to /sdcard/gscript
5) Run launcher*your dpi*.sh AS ROOT
6) If widgets look funny, long press and resize manually to 4 rows/4 columns
7) Done

Download version 3
v3 Download links


After many requests, here it is. Epic 4G Touch Launcher with 5 icon dock, 5 column app drawer menu & 5 column homescreen TO BE ADDED.

Screenshots - 4G Launcher
Download versions 4G:
2nd release #adds search function by longpress of menu key (version of launcher 2.3.4) - Untested by me -
Links here

zohawkish for the apk.

How to use
  • In the app drawer, hit edit, and add one more icon dock at the bottom of the page.
  • Rearrange your app drawer icons in a 5 column Layout OR use the modified Appzorter app from the fourth post.

Solutions to Force Close problems
Hit Menu>Applications>Manage Applications>All>TouchWiz Launcher
Force close and clear data
How to use Appzorter
The creator of the application Appzorter has kindly given me permission to modify his app for the Launcher's needs

Appzorter comes with the launcher, if you don't like it simply uninstall it

1) Hit the Appzorter Icon
2) Select Sort
3) Go into Settings>Menu>All>Touchwiz Launcher>Force Close
The application itself is undergoing a lot of work. He is adding a lot of new features. Please do consider buying his donate version. It's only 0.96 euros on the market, and I'm pretty sure most of you could spare that.

Many many thanks to Demiurgous/demidoes.net for his kind support.

Instructions if things go wrong:

Extract apk from .zip
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app
rm TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
rm TouchWiz30Launcher.odex
hit Control + C
adb push path to your download\TouchWiz30Launcher.apk /system/app
adb reboot
Landscape mode requests
I am able to make the launcher redraw in landscape mode without losing sign keys. However the icon dock does not stay on the right of the phone, but goes in the bottom. The launcher is not optimized for landscape mode at all. Perhaps i'll be able to get this done in the long run.

The European launcher and the 4G Launcher are not hot-swappable. That means that when using the 4G Launcher, you cannot revert back to the European Launcher (or vice verca) by flashing the zip.
You need to WIPE data under Settings>Menu>Manage Applications. Install the other version of the launcher, then wipe data AGAIN.
Failing to do so will cause FC's when trying to add a 5 icon dock.

Changelog for V1

v1.0 - Initial Release
v1.1 - Resize on all widgets - Choose your Default Home
v1.1.1 - Bugfix when rearranging homescreens
v1.2 - Layout changes
v1.3 - Included modded version of Appzorter - layout fix
Changelog for V2

v1.5 - 5 column in Homescreen, app drawer, icon dock - soon to be released
v1.6 - Resize on all widgets - Choose your default Home
v2.1 - Bugfix when rearranging homescreens
v2.2 - Script to resize widgets
v2.3 - Layout Changes, fixes issue with the script
v2.4 - Included modded version of Appzorter - layout fix
Changelog for V3

V3 - first release
V3.2 - Layout fixes, better spacing, new DPI versions
V3.3 - Included modded version of Appzorter - layout fix


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