[root] SGS2 SIM unlock code finder


Galaxy S2 SIM Unlock code finder will find the SIM unlock code for your device, or the unfreeze code. It'll take a few minutes to run, but you should end up with the code to SIM unlock your device. If the code doesn't work, don't keep trying it !. You may end up with a freeze. In that case, the program can also find the unfreeze code, but if the SIM unlock code is wrong in the first place, maybe so is the unfreeze code

Based on Odia's work here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1064978

Thanks / Donate

Press the thanks button, and/or donate (or not) to Odia and/or myself

Also, please rate it 5 stars in Market if it works for you... I think some people who sell unlockers are purposely 1 starring it (seeing as nobody has reported any problems)


Market link (mobile): market://details?id=eu.chainfire.sgs2simunlockcode

Market link (desktop): https://market.android.com/details?i...2simunlockcode

Also, attached !

!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: On some newer SGS2 devices, it does not work at all. You can try "Galaxy_S Unlock" app from "Helroz", but beware, it's unlock method is much more dangerous !!!

Attached Files
File Type: apk SGS2SIMUnlockCode-v1.0.apk - (42.4 KB, 16039 views)


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