NOTES: there's no need for a how-to and full doc in this beta all auto apk tool and auto deodex tool applies here adb functionality is in progress still a lot of room for improvement
REQUESTS: If you happen to have an idea, please post and make a clear description or screenshot of what you want to happen or do
TO DO: add more options in the settings menu catch errors and better handling errors add more tabs for custom commands
PLANS: my looking forward is to be able to create custom scripts and run with the tool also to be able to put many jar files by just adding it in settings and run custom commands for that jar that way it will automate whatever manual things users do in their customization of apks, rom zip, lang pack, etc
STEPS on FIRST RUN ONLY 1) Go to /Res/ 2) Run FileRegister.exe to register these ocx files If you are using latest w7 it may probably be registering in the wrong path so register manually.
INSTALL: Place the folder where there is no space yet C:\xdaAutoTool I havent handled white space yet
- Tested on Windows 7 workstation, it should run in XP as well - All ocx and posibble dll references and dependecies will be in your machine if you are close to W7 X64 and had installed ms vb runtime in the past - All the dependency file list are inside the docs folder (docs/xdaAutoTool.xml) - This means i used mainly files in your Windows 7 system to run it without installation - Installer will come later or when issues with running is that massive
************************************************** ****** xdaAutoTool CHANGELOG: ************************************************** ****** Version 4.0.2 9:30 PM 3/7/2012 ==================================== - Move apktool choose settings to combobox - Fixed theming folder creation runtime error - Speed up reading columns and lines on multiple apk to display in listview
Version 4.0.1 9:27 PM 2/28/2012 ==================================== - Added MULTIPLE INPUT apk support, choose working folder in combobox - Added code to detect status after recompile or decompile - Update code to handle listview loading - Executable size is still down to 1.476KB, decent, he he he
Version 4.0.0 7:58 PM 2/27/2012 ==================================== - Recode detecting BIN folder for faster loading - Load all available apktool versions in menu and use - Added color code for text on compiled and not compiled apk - Added save form position to remember when loading app (for testing) - Added Decompile With..... apktool version - Added Recompile With..... apktool version - Added more columns: -- Compiled (YES or NO) -- Last compiled (apk) -- Decompiled with (apktool version from yml file)
Version 3.0.1 (BETA) 2:59 PM 11/5/2011 ==================================== - Fixed deodex full rom and timers - Added bottom last panel as application path panel - Added xUltimate-d9pc for THEMES - Added running draw9patch compiler in pngs using xUltimate-d9pc - Redo zipalign dist code in build usable apk, when option to zipalign is ON, the dist out apk will now be deleted - Added toolbar icons - Changed application icon temporarily - Fixed changing apktool jar file version after pressing save button
Version 3.0.0 (BETA) 5:15 PM 10/29/2011 ==================================== - Added mogrify theming options - Added create themed folders - Added apply Hue and Saturation using mogrify - Added Build All Themed APKS, all apks in specific folder structure - Added Build One Set themed apks - Added support for Copy_Folders.txt in \_CUSTOM_RES USAGE: "Left file path source" + delimeter "||" + "Right file path destination" SAMPLE: Launcher2\build\apk\res\xml\default_workspace.xml| |Launcher2\res\xml\default_workspace.xml NOTE: Folder gets deleted after build usable - Added support for Copy_Files.txt in \_CUSTOM_RES USAGE: "Left folder path source" + delimeter "||" + "Right folder path destination" SAMPLE: framework-res\build\apk\res\anim||framework-res\res\anim NOTE: File does not get deleted yet after build usable, thinking if it make sense, filecopy command already overwrites - Added MOD TAB, use for multiple modding apks - Added overwrite AndroidManifest.xml binary file In APK DIST generated apks this is not necessary Using the apks _OUTPUT_APK_DIST_ZIPALIGN after AndroidManifest.xml is better It generates a build apk and put it in _OUTPUT_APK_DIST_ZIPALIGN This then will be signed and gets a new META-INF file to ake the apk usable (overwrite AndroidManifest.xml binary file is only use when all else fails) - Added reference to microsoft scripting runtime, Better folder/file handling, Space not yet handled for these are third party executables - Switch to Native Code compiler, no-optimization - Exe is now 800kb, compiled optimized exe is throwing error atm P-Code is not an option
Version 2.0.0 (BETA) 8:02 PM 8/28/2011 ==================================== - Added zipalign.exe file in bin folder - Added generate zip aligned APKs option in build usable APKs command - Added move zip aligned apks in _OUTPUT_APK_ZIPALIGN to _OUTPUT_APK folder - Added move zip aligned apks in _OUTPUT_APK_DIST_ZIPALIGN to _OUTPUT_APK folder - Added apktool dist generated apks copy option - Added apktool dist generated apks zipaligned option - Added make zipaligned apks independent button for apks in _OUTPUT_APK - Fixed enabling selection buttons bug - Fixed error restarting when app save window position on exit - Fixed saving tab to remember it next time app is started - Optimized BUILD USABLE apk commands
Version 1.0.3 (BETA) 11:03 AM 6/14/2011 ==================================== - Added optimized pngs in TOOLS tab - Added clear files of working directories in TOOLS tab - Added feature to add to open with menu, in "Edit" menu - Added copy to phone and delete to phone function in phone explorer - Added save column width on all listviews - Changed UI for progress bar when executing commands
Version 1.0.2 (BETA) 12:33 PM 6/11/2011 ==================================== - Added Phone Explorer in ADB TAB ----display system app and data app as initial ----able to copy files from those folders for now ----filter files and save last browse path in worstation ----some adb commands added to UI - Added Apply Mods - Added saving of TAB positions when exiting app - Added save form positions for main and future phone explorer - Added load input folder when APK Tab was pressed - Moved all adb related commands in the Phone Explorer form - Fixed error when double clicking list view without files - Fixed deodexing rom zip picked from directory with spaces in file path - Fixed editing bootclass files and adb files - Changed SIGN to TOOLS, more sign commands in mouse Right Click - Changed UI for folders and file list views - Changed the way icons are shown when loading files, now associated
Version 1.0.1 (BETA) 3:34 PM 6/6/2011 ==================================== - Fixed list files error when all items are deleted - Fixed error on check uncheck option when no item is in the list - Fixed deo rom directory clean up, will clear all source/deo directory - Added capability to change apktool, smali and baksmali jar file versions - Added experimental deodexed a full rom and create rom zip file - Added more flexibility on selection method for files in the list
Version 1.0.0 (BETA) 11:30 PM 6/3/2011 ==================================== - Initial release - apk tool automation - deodexing basics automation - sign apk and zip commands - adb commands- Initial release - apk tool automation - deodexing basics automation - sign apk and zip commands - adb commands
************************************************** ****** Acknowledgement: ************************************************** ****** My thanks to the support of the people here in xda and people who appreciate my work in any way expressed, Cheers!!! MGunther, JHatley
************************************************** ****** auto APKTOOL (aAT) CURRENT VERSION: 2.0.4 ************************************************** ******
5th POST: MIUI smali hunting and images to be change + PSD sources This tool has been tested MIUI XJ Rom HERE Compile and Decompile APKS, Build language packs faster with many devices, N1, G7, Galaxy S, etc..
OBJECTIVE: Main intention is to automate/batch processing decompiling and recompiling, flashable zip creation, etc Initially made when translating miui apks and building lang pack
USAGE: Run AutoAPKToolMain.bat
QUICK HOW TO: THE 1-2-3-4 + 5 PROCESS - Place ALL apks to decompile in _INPUT_APK folder - Place the framework-res apk in the _INPUT_APK as well (filename: framework-res.apk)
- Choose 1 then hit enter for if framework-res.apk command (note that framework-res.apk will always be in the _INPUT_APK folder)
- Choose 2 to decompile all in one shot (this will create the resources and sources folder inside _INPUT_APK folder) - Do your edits for all in that folder, add your values-en, values-pt, raw-en, etc. You may add drawable-en-hdpi as well Edit your strings.xml and many more... Remember to keep the folder structure intact After all edits are done
- Choose 3 and hit enter This will recompile all in one shot A notepad will appear to show if there are errors in recompiling, check the log Adjust if necessary, you can choose to recompile a single folder if you need to
- Choose 4 to build usable APKs All apks will be in the _OUT_APK folder (These will not FC) All overwriting of files are automated These APKs are from the Original apk with: resource.arsc + classes.dex changed + other resources added
-Choose 5 (the fun part, lol) It will build your flashable zip signed already, there's a template in the _FLASHABLES folder You may edit it, replace it with the same name, just keep templates by renaming, place your build.prop there, etc Read the text file thoroughly...
So that is the short story.... For other options and features read the ReadMeHistory.txt FYI, read notes below (in _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST folder, those are build by APK Tool) I manage to build APKs that don't FC in the _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST only that...... (see txt for complete explanation)
EXAMPLE 1: IMAGE If you are overwriting an image in an APK (widget_1x.png) _CUSTOM_RES -MiuiMusic --res ---drawable-hdpi ----widget_1x.png (this is the image i will overwrite)
Otherwise if you are adding folders no need to turn on "overwrite resources), put all your files in: _INPUT_APK -MiuiMusic --res ---drawable-de-hdpi (this is the image folder i added) ----widget_1x.png The Copy added resources "ON" will take care of copying these added resources or files
SOME EXAMPLES OF IMAGES AND FILES OVERRIDING: "_CUSTOM_RES\AppShare\res\drawable-hdpi\installed.png" "_CUSTOM_RES\Gallery\res\menu\media_context_menu.x ml" "_CUSTOM_RES\ThemeManager\res\drawable-hdpi\desktop_mask.png"
EXAMPLE 2: XML BINARY WHEN YOU DO DIRECT EDITS Say you are editing a file straight from framework-res\res\drawable\progress_horizontal.xml FOR NOW YOU HAVE TO DO THIS: 1) After doing [3], recompiling the apk
2) Copy the file _INPUT_APK\framework-res\build\apk\res\drawable\progress_horizontal.xml to _CUSTOM_RES\framework-res\res\drawable\progress_horizontal.xml (this is the binary of your edited file, by doing this, you are telling the tool to overwrite it when building the apk)
3) Once this is done, make sure that "Overwrite res using _CUSTOM_RES" is ON, it is ON by default
4) then do build usable, It should overwrite those binaries in the APK
NOTES: "Build Usable APKs" perform these depending on options - overwrite resources.arsc (ON/OFF) - overwrite classes.dex (ON/OFF) - copy added resources (e.g. drawable-de-hdpi) (ON/OFF) - overwrite any file in APK using _CUSTOM_RES (ON/OFF) - copy optimized pngs to APK (ON/OFF) - EXPERIMENTAL @ the moment (20110503) - -mx3 is the compression level for the meantime, i'll make it flexible after deotool and windows version
REQUIREMENTS: - you must have java installed on your machine, you may even have it already, mine is this per the main log file java version "1.6.0_21" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode) - tested on windows 7, x64 pc - adb must be installed in the system, download the image attached to configure adb to be called globally in cmds
************************************************** ****** AUTO APK TOOL CHANGELOG: ************************************************** ******
modified by Agat63 03/31/12 version 2.0.4 1:31 AM 3/31/12 - Added decompile ICS apk - Added recompile ICS apk - Added baksmali JAR files - Added baksmali DEX files - Added smali JAR files - Added smali DEX files
Version 2.0.3e 1:19 AM 7/5/2012 by xdaer Peteragent5 - I've added the option to use: apktool_1.4.3.jar - And I've updated the aapt.exe from latest Android SDK (Android SDK Platfrorm Tools - Rev.11)
Version 2.0.3b/c/d 3:27 PM 10/24/2011 (d) - Added flexibility of building flashable zip, will build according to folder name - Redo folder structure in building themed apks (b) - Added create themed folders - Added apply Hue and Saturation on pngs (a) - Added build all themed, apks in all folders _THEMES - Added build one themed, apks in specified folder _THEMES - Option to sign apks after build - Option to make a flashable zip
Version 2.0.3 - Changed folder handling in mogrify commands - Added option to sign apk after mogrify themed apks are build and zipalign - Fixed signing apks/zip commands
Version 2.0.2 - Added mogrify.exe and mogrify features (Ability to change hues of PNGs, see acknowledgements for mogrify usage) - Move Following APK DIST generated apk commands to recompile (Copy generated apks of apktool in _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST) (Create Zipalign apks in _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST to _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST_ZIPALIGN)
Version 2.0.1 - Added saving settings of copy apks and generate zip aligns in dist gen apks - Added saving settings of compression level
Version 2.0.0 - Added adb reboot commands - Added script to save apktool version after changing and use that on start of app - Added option to only zipalign apks placed in the _OUT_APK folder - Added move apks from _OUT_APK_ZIPALIGN to _OUT_APK (useful before building flashable zip)
Version 1.0.9 - Added option to generate zipalign apks after each recompile - goes to _OUT_APKTOOL_DIST_ZIPALIGN - Separate option for apktool generated apks
Version 1.0.8 - Added option to toggle copying of apk from DIST folder of apktool gen directory - Added zip align apks (generated apk from _OUT_APK to _OUT_APK_ZIPALIGN) - Added setting of compression level - Added Delete "folder name" of mod file text file ___If you have "Mod1" folder the file should be "Delete_Mod1.txt" ___Sample line in the text file is "AppShare\res\drawable-hdpi\installed.png" ___No need to specify the _INPUT_APK folder ___It will delete any file in that path once listed in the text file - Fixed code jumping over optimization of pngs
Version 1.0.7 - Added install additional resources
Version 1.0.6 - Added more adb functions - Added request for mods folders - Fixed error handling when "Enter" key is pressed without choice - Fixed menu choices for blank entry and "Enter" key is pressed as well - Fixed mod folders applying only the last folder in menu
Version 1.0.5 - Added apktool 1.4.1, see brut's site for changelog (Make sure you also have the aapt file from the latest migration notes) - Added Single Recompile then Build - Added adb commands and tools, you must have ADB installed and configure already, (download "configure_adb_to_be_called_anywhere_in_cmd.ra r") - Reorganized menu for future improvements
Version 1.0.4 - Added optimized "xyz.9.png" in APKs option
Version 1.0.3 - Fix menu handling for option 19 to 21 - Changed "u" switch to "a" for handling copy added resources - Added optimized PNGs in APKs option
Version 1.0.2 - Initial release
************************************************** ****** auto DEODEXTOOL (aDT) CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.3 ************************************************** ******
OBJECTIVE: Automate/batch processing of deodexing jars and apks (odexed rom)
USAGE: Run AutoDEOToolMain.bat
IMPORTANT: - PLEASE AVOID SPACES IN THE TOOL FOLDER PATH FOR NOW - Good path use underscores or only letters, nos. (L:\TOOL\AutoDEOTool1.0.1) - Some of the APKs does not like the -mX optimization so watch for those
QUICK HOW TO: To deodex framework files, - Place the JARs and corresponding ODEX files in the directory "_framework". - Otherwise, place deodexed framework JARs into the directory "deodexed_JAR". To deodex APK files, - Place the APKs and corresponding ODEX files in the directory "_app". (1) is for stock android deodexing (2) is for non stock, such as sense, miui where you can put a custom bootclasspath (3 to 6) options are for deodexing apks only or jars with 1 and 2 functionality Options to change between smali-baksmali versions
NOTES: - Basic out is performed by the tool and classes.dex is just added to the jar/apk - No compression feature yet for that would be a separate option, i turned it off for FC with miui soundrecorder apk
REQUIREMENTS: - you must have java installed on your machine, you may even have it already, mine is: java version "1.6.0_21" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode) - tested on windows 7, x64 pc
************************************************** ****** AUTO DEODEX TOOL CHANGELOG: ************************************************** ****** Version 1.0.3 sggua @ xda - New smali/backsmali version 1.3.2 - API number for right deodex
Version 1.0.2 - Added optimized JARs and APKs option - Added compression level, functioning separately - Added clean folders - Fixed compression levels when -a for all called batch
Version 1.0.1 - Initial Release - Deodex stock and custom bootclass jars and apks of a rom - Deodex stock and custom bootclass apks only - Deodex stock and custom bootclass jars only
These are some of the smalis you need to change Posted here during MIUI Ver 1.4.22/1.5.6 (this means, it may change next week, anyways basics are posted) Use Beyond Compare or other folder, file comparer, for comparing changes Use Windows Grep for hunting down other smalis in the future If you got chinese character and you have translated all in strings, arrays, raw, etc.., it is most likely to be in the smali files
MiuiMusic I don't change and remove tabs in MiuiMusic, it's okay for us here in Singapore Don't forget to translate plurals.xml too L:\_000 _MIUI_ROMs\000_AUTOAPKTOOL_EN\_INPUT_APK\MiuiMusic \res\values\plurals.xml
Settings if you are en base provide html helpfile for tethering too L:\_000 _MIUI_ROMs\000_AUTOAPKTOOL_TEMP\_INPUT_APK\Setting s\assets\html\en\tethering_help.html L:\_000 _MIUI_ROMs\000_AUTOAPKTOOL_TEMP\_INPUT_APK\Setting s\assets\html\en\tethering_usb_help.html L:\_000 _MIUI_ROMs\000_AUTOAPKTOOL_TEMP\_INPUT_APK\Setting s\assets\html\en\tethering_wifi_help.html
Sidekick L:\_000 _MIUI_ROMs\000_AUTOAPKTOOL_EN\_INPUT_APK\SideKick\ smali\com\android\sidekick\InputHistoryAdapter.sma li
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