I tried to reflash the ROM but nothing happened. I have also flashed back to Stock GB but the message isnt gone.
An error message 'logo.jpg' draw failed.
How to solve this bug : 3 methods
- Logo samsung 9100...zip flash CWM... Stock-Samsung-Bootlogo.zip - (510.4 KB, 34 views)
- Factory wipe and flash stock rom again
- New way by odin :
a stock param.lfs file(a tar file that is) to flash through Odin in case you want to return to the stock bootscreen...I've tested it and it works.
1 . Download file SGSII stockparamLFS.tar
2 . Flash it using ODIN V1.85
3 . Select .tar file under PDA
4 . Push START button and ~5sec it will finish load the file into your phone.
5 . Reboot
now , you will get back your stock param.lfs file. and your triangle is gone.
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