Disable Voice Command When You Tap the Home Button Twice (ROOT)

There aren't many things that bug me about the Samsung Galaxy S2. Very few really, but one of them is that the Voice Command option comes up far too often. AND I'm convinced it sometimes comes up when I haven't even tapped the home button twice. I haven't found the need for that feature really, so today enough was enough and I removed it. It's a simple enough process with Titanium Backup, although I did back it up first just in case. You never know. You will have to have a rooted phone though. Let us know if you've found any other tricks to stop voice command from appearing after a double home tap, without uninstalling it entirely.

Don`t want to delete it 
I have found that the voice command isn't really usefull to me... so I've just renamed the /system/app/VoiceToGo.apk so the system cannot launch it... If I will ever want to have-it bach I will change it to original name. :)
Ok, removing is easier, but how do i get it back?
I tried vlingo and i actually didnt like it, but when i pressed the home button twice it asked permission to change the main app, so i chose vligo... later i found out it was a horrible mistake. Soo, i just want to take the voice command that command that comes when you buy the SGS2. Any suggestions?
 Just uninstall vlingo! Then go back into Titanium backup and restore Voice Command from backup. If you didn't back it up, try flashing the latest stock rom.

Others methol:
[APP] homeMYhome (customize home double tap)
Hi folks, with this app you can select any application to be launched on home double tap button / bluetooth longpress.

Requires a Samsung-based rom (no cyanogen or other AOSP, sorry).

Only one rule: my app use the same package name of Samsung Voice Control (I've chosen the easy way to do this hack ), so you have to delete /system/app/VoiceToGo.apk (if your rom include it) and reboot before installing the attached .apk.

In last leaked Ice Cream Sandwich roms I've found VoiceToGo is in different location:
XXLP2 > /system/app/vlingo.apk
XXLPB > /data/app/com.vlingo.client.samsung-1.apk

I've written this app simply because I don't like Samsung Voice control, I was using Vlingo on my Nexus One and I think it was much more efficent and less Samsung-centric. Afterwards I decided to share it with you, so I added an activity to choose any installed application.

Hope you'll like it as I do, suggestions&donations are welcome.


1.0 (12/10/11)
- first release

1.1 (13/10/11)
- changed app launch mode (google talk fc)
- changed save preference mode to work without sqlite sync (toast confirmation didn't appear, app didn't close itself automatically, and settings was lost on restart, if you had this problem uninstall and reinstall)

Attached Files
File Type: apk homeMYhome_1.1.apk - (16.1 KB, 5088 views)


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